FileCache PropertiesNemiro.Data.dll

The FileCache type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAccessTimeout
Waiting time gain access to the file of cache entry. After this time, if the file entry are not available, an exception is thrown.
Public propertyBufferAccessTimeout
Waiting time gain access to the buffer.
Public propertyBufferSize
Memory buffer size (Kb).
Public propertyCachePath
Cache storage path.
Public propertyDefaultCacheCapabilities
Gets a description of the features that the cache provides.
(Overrides ObjectCache DefaultCacheCapabilities.)
Public propertyDefaultPolicy
Default cache policy.
Public propertyDefaultRegion
Default region name.
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets a value in the cache by using the default indexer property for an instance of the [F:FileCache] class.
(Overrides ObjectCache Item String .)
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the cache.
(Overrides ObjectCache Name.)
See Also