FileCache MethodsNemiro.Data.dll

The FileCache type exposes the following members.


Public methodAdd(CacheItem, CacheItemPolicy) (Inherited from ObjectCache.)
Public methodAdd(String, Object, DateTimeOffset, String) (Inherited from ObjectCache.)
Public methodAdd(String, Object, CacheItemPolicy, String) (Inherited from ObjectCache.)
Public methodAddOrGetExisting(CacheItem, CacheItemPolicy)
Inserts a cache entry into the cache.
(Overrides ObjectCache AddOrGetExisting(CacheItem, CacheItemPolicy).)
Public methodAddOrGetExisting(String, Object, DateTimeOffset, String)
Adds a cache entry into the cache using the specified key and a value and an absolute expiration value.
(Overrides ObjectCache AddOrGetExisting(String, Object, DateTimeOffset, String).)
Public methodAddOrGetExisting(String, Object, CacheItemPolicy, String)
Inserts a cache entry into the cache.
(Overrides ObjectCache AddOrGetExisting(String, Object, CacheItemPolicy, String).)
Public methodCleanup
Removes outdated entries from the cache.
Public methodCleanupAll
Removes all entries from the cache.
Public methodContains
Determines whether a cache entry exists in the cache.
(Overrides ObjectCache Contains(String, String).)
Public methodCreateCacheEntryChangeMonitor
Creates a CacheEntryChangeMonitor object that can trigger events in response to changes to specified cache entries.
(Overrides ObjectCache CreateCacheEntryChangeMonitor(IEnumerable String , String).)
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGet
Returns an entry from the cache.
(Overrides ObjectCache Get(String, String).)
Public methodGetCacheItem
Returns the specified entry from the cache as a CacheItem instance.
(Overrides ObjectCache GetCacheItem(String, String).)
Public methodGetCount
Returns the total number of cache entries in the cache.
(Overrides ObjectCache GetCount(String).)
Protected methodGetEnumerator 
Creates an enumerator that can be used to iterate through a collection of cache entries.
(Overrides ObjectCache GetEnumerator .)
Public methodGetEnumerator(String)
Creates an enumerator that can be used to iterate through a collection of cache entries.
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetKeys
Returns a list of all the keys for the specified region.
Public methodGetPolicy
Returns cache entry policy.
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValues(String,  String ) (Inherited from ObjectCache.)
Public methodGetValues(IEnumerable String , String)
Returns a set of cache entries that correspond to the specified keys.
(Overrides ObjectCache GetValues(IEnumerable String , String).)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemove
Removes a cache entry from the cache.
(Overrides ObjectCache Remove(String, String).)
Public methodSet(CacheItem, CacheItemPolicy)
Inserts a cache entry into the cache by using a CacheItem instance to supply the key and value for the cache entry.
(Overrides ObjectCache Set(CacheItem, CacheItemPolicy).)
Public methodSet(String, Object, DateTimeOffset, String)
Inserts a cache entry into the cache by using a key and a value and specifies time-based expiration details.
(Overrides ObjectCache Set(String, Object, DateTimeOffset, String).)
Public methodSet(String, Object, CacheItemPolicy, String)
Inserts a cache entry into the cache by using a key and a value and eviction.
(Overrides ObjectCache Set(String, Object, CacheItemPolicy, String).)
Public methodToString
Returns cache storage path.
(Overrides Object ToString .)
See Also